The Easter Season officially ended last
Sunday with the celebration of Pentecost in Catholic churches. The Holy Spirit descended upon the apostles
and Jesus sent them out to preach his Good News, to spread his word. We now enter Ordinary Time, time in the
liturgical year when there are occasional Solemnities but no special
seasons. The weeks are numbered, or
counted and thus Ordinal or Ordinary.
The liturgical color for the season is green, the color of new life. During this season, we hear in the Sunday readings about the life and works of Jesus during his ministry. They should renew us. This is a time for growth, both personal and spiritual.
Many times, Jesus is depicted is as the Good Shepherd. In figurines, Jesus is carrying a lamb that was lost, signifying that Jesus does not want to lose a single lamb from his flock. We are his flock today, and he doesn’t want to lose us either. In the Good News he gave us 2,000 years ago, we can find the path we should be following, the path that can lead us to Jesus. Listen to the readings at mass, study the word.
As gardens and fields are being planted, as school is out, as the weather warms and helps everything grow, set aside some time for your own spiritual growth.
In this change of seasons, I have revamped my website and changed my name to: I am so excited to share it with you. I have the Good Shepherd statue it three sizes on the website. I hope you will check out my new website!